The Maw
The supposed home of the urban legend known as Old Helljaws is a network of tunnels, reworked and crafted into a maze with hundreds of ways out but only a couple ways into the center surrounds the heart of the old station. Eliza is well entrenched in The Big Apple, and The Maw is her fortress, generously speaking. Really, it is a kind of barracks and chthonic town for the Brood, and no human has yet seen the extent of its depths... Apart from Eliza, and she probably doesn't count. In the very center, there is a Sanctuary made by her magic - a permanent warded portal that protects the Maw from intrusion by teleportation and allows The Brood to use rune stones of recall to return here. The Maw's maze of tunnels is as foreboding and unwelcoming as Eliza could contrive it to be, a system of hidden passageways and oppressive gloom, but the Maw proper is more homely, with gardens illuminated by UV Lamps and life continuing at all hours as her sons and daughters go about their business.